The news of Actor Emeka Ike’s marriage saga has been hovering the street of social media and he has said a lot of bad things about his wife and when wife speaks out, she said her husband is an abuser
In an interview with TVC channel, actress Toyin Abraham was asked what was behind her thought when she was picking actors for her new movie “Makaita”
And she replied that she has been talking with Uncle Emeka Ike since last year, she added that she is not saying that he abuse his wife as the wife claims but even if he did it,he should come and cast in her new movie because he has suffered.
Netizens on seeing what Toyin Abraham said in the interview got them really angry about her speech
One said: once again, shame on Toyin Abraham for supporting that abuserA
nother one said: From Asiwaju baby ? Not surprised. I commend her consistency in being dump shaa